Design and customisation
Our cobot-based solutions are designed to integrate quickly with your production line and start providing ROI from day one. As well as a huge range of off-the-shelf options, we have the expert capability to create bespoke adaptations to meet your specific needs.
A specialist team of engineers and technicians
Reeco’s in-house design engineering experts, led by our Technical Director, Llewelyn Rees, have decades of experience between them in automation and robotics. They will provide in-depth support to ensure that our cobots integrate seamlessly with your production line.
Pre-sales design support
Working from your factory site’s plan, Reeco will create pre-sales concept layout drawings of a palletising cell that will meet your needs. As well as setting out the electrical schematics, the drawings will show how the cell will fit into your existing manufacturing environment.
Bespoke tooling and software
Our existing end-of-arm tools are amazingly flexible, but we will develop bespoke variants if your process requires them. Similarly, we can provide bespoke software if our standard EasyStack or EasyPack software isn’t sufficient to meet your specific automation requirements.
Customising AMRs to your site
Because every factory layout is unique, introducing AMRs into each one demands a tailor-made solution. When we design an AMR project for you, it will therefore be built around the layout and requirements of your specific set-up using our sophisticated simulation software.